Friday 10 December 2010


After looking at a lot of different ideas I've decided that for the hidden project I want to investigate dreams. As to how the idea of dreams relates to hidden, the outcome is twofold:-

The first reason is that everyone experiences their dreams individually, the experience belongs solely to individual. The person could tell someone about the dream, but the people they tell wouldn't have the same experience and therefore because it is different, the dream becomes concealed, in a way, except for who the dream belongs to.

The second reason is that dreams have A LOT of imagery and symbolism. I mentioned in my ideas that hidden could be something that becomes something else - a change. Symbolism holds a different meaning, a bit like metaphors, to what it is actually describing, whatever that may be. Therefore, dreams a FULL of hidden meaning and imagery, and people often use dream analysis to find out the true meaning behind the images they saw in their dreams. (Another idea is that the dreams we experience are based on things our conscious mind has taken in during the day, that the subconscious mind then adapts and evolves to represent [something else] - these everyday things could be hidden to us, until we dream it!)

I once had a dream about a red cardinal. Why, I don't know; as far as I'm aware I hadn't seen any! But after looking at a dream analysis site I discovered that a cardinal represents:-
Being well-adjusted, happy, content. Also, having beauty without vanity. Dreaming of this animal can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)
This shows how much meaning can be hidden behind one image.

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